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Ms Peng Li, Academician, attends the establishment of the Microecological Healthcare Professionals Committee of the “China Society for the Promotion of Science and Technology Comm...

11-11-2018 ChemPartner 4112

9-10 November 2018, the Inaugural Chinese Microecological Healthcare Forum & establishment of the Microecological Healthcare Professionals Committee of the “China Society for the Promotion of Science and Technology Commercialization” was held in Guangzhou city, China.  Amongst the attendees are:

- Prof Peng Li, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Science, Head of the Life Sciences Institute Academic Committee of Tsing Hua University, Consultant to the Microecological Healthcare Professionals Committee

- Ms Wei Xiao, Vice-Director of the China Society for the Promotion of Science and Technology Commercialization

- Mr Yuansheng Chen, Standing member of the Guangdong Province Chinese People’s Political Consultative Committee, Former Secretary of the Guangdong Province Health and Family Planning Commission

- Prof. Guangmei Yan, Former Vice-Dean Zhongshan University, Consultant to the Microecological Healthcare Professionals Committee

- Mr Feng Zhu, Head of Centre for Unwanted Side-effect Guangdong Province Food & Drug Administration

- Dr Yongpin Chen, Group Chairman Guangzhou Development District Talent Work Group

And up to 300 other academics, professionals, committee members and industry representatives.


(Mr Yuansheng Chen, Standing member of the Guangdong Province Chinese People’s Political Consultative Committee, Former Secretary of the Guangdong Province Health and Family Planning Commission)

This meeting is organized by the China Society for the Promotion of Science and Technology Commercialization (CSPSTC), undertaken by Quantum Hi-Tech (China) Biological Co.,Ltd (ChemPartner) & Guangdong Quantum Microecological Health Co.,Ltd, assisted by University of Xiamen, Zhongshan University, University of Zhengzhou, Southern Medical University, Dalian Medical University amongst other contributors.  Prof Peng Li, Academician, was invited to present on the topic of “Nutrition and the Gut Microbiome” on the 10th during the Inaugural Chinese Microecological Healthcare Forum.

The establishment of the first Chinese Microecological Healthcare Professionals Committee

9th November 2018, the establishment of the China Society for the Promotion of Science and Technology Commercialization (Microecological Healthcare Professionals Committee)


(Official Establishment of the first Chinese Microecological Healthcare Professionals Committee)

The Microecological Health Professionals Committee is a branch of the CSPSTC and is a National non-profit organization formed voluntarily by academic professionals, technologists and industry of the field.  This formation is in response to the official report from the 19th National Representatives Meeting of the Chinese Communist Party, which promotes a “Healthy China Implementation Strategy”.  Following this report, health will no longer be about the individual but will carry relevance as a nation, microecology will also move towards a new era due to its relevance to human health.  This committee, under the guidance of the CSPTSC, seeks to actively assist government agencies in related work, contribute to policies, and promote the development of the microecology healthcare research and industry.

This forum will report on the current status of the microecological healthcare field, as well as promote research and technology development.  In future, this forum will motivate the clinical acceptance and usage of microecological interventions and provide a platform for experts to convene of issues of academia; All in all assisting the transference of clinical data to clinical practice, helping the Chinese reach international standards in this field.  Mr Xianwei Zeng, Chairman of ChemPartner, is appointed Head of the Microecological Health Professionals Committee


(Ms Wei Xiao, Vice-Director of the China Society for the Promotion of Science and Technology Commercialization)

Ms Wei Xiao of the CSPTSC commented: We hope this committee would have a cohesive effect for knowledge to build this platform together in accordance to the guidance provided by Chairman Xi’s thoughts on a modern Chinese society, and being in tandem with the country’s developmental strategies.  Through this effort, achieve the promotion of in-depth research in the field of microecology to seek the successful conversion of research to clinical application, and to support the overall micrecological technologies of the country.  Finally the committee should see to raise the standards of innovation and industry competitiveness of China’s microecological field.


(Mr Xianwei Zeng, Chairman of ChemPartner, Head of the Microecological Health Professionals Committee)

Mr Zeng of ChemPartner commented: As the head of this committee, I will strive to promote the research and development of microecology through to industrialisation with the help of the CSPTSC and fellow members of the committee.  As the chairman of ChemPartner, I will lead the company through this phase of industrialisation to assist in overall business development of microecological healthcare.  As a member of the microecological field, I will continue to strive towards my goal of bringing microecological health and prosperity to the masses through both teamwork and individual hard work.  

As a part of this industry, ChemPartner has always committed time and resources to become the global frontrunner in healthcare industry with a focus on prebiotics and the microbiome.  Using the microecological interventions as the basis and targeting mainly the gut microbiome, Quantum Medical (a subsidiary of ChemPartner) provides the client with personalized and professional medical services and products by combining medical, nutritional, chinese medicinal, psychological and sociological expertise.  This allows the company to provide a personalized and professional service to its clients, and aligning itself with the group goal of bringing microecological health and prosperity to the masses.

Chairman Zeng commented: All organizations have a responsibility to the society that we currently live in.  Hence, one of the major directions of this committee is to fulfill this social responsibility through the participation in public charity work, and develop a culture that places importance of our commitment to society.  As co-undertaker of this meeting, ChemPartner will establish “Actions with a smile”, a non-profit social event to provide cancer patients with assistance in microecological healthcare, to take the lead for giving back to society.

Prof Peng Li, Academician, presents on the topic of “Nutrition and the Gut Microbiome” on the 10th during the Inaugural Chinese Microecological Healthcare Forum. 

During the inaugural conference, discussions were based around the main topics of “Novel Techniques in Microecology based Diagnostics and Interventions”, “Clinical Practises of Microecological Healthcare” and “The Gut Microbiome and Metabolic, Immunological and Tumour Disease”.  The exchange of thoughts, ideas and research data from both domestic and foreign sources was of a high standard and would help promote further research into this field.


(Prof Peng Li, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Science)

Prof Peng Li, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Science, Head of the Life Sciences Institute Academic Committee of Tsing Hua University, Consultant to the Microecological Healthcare Professionals Committee, was in attendance to present on the topic of “Nutrition and the Gut Microbiome”.  Prof Li commented: the intestinal system would be the future focus of healthcare research and development.  With over 70% of its immunity originating from the gut, humans experience direct effects from the nutrition in their diets and how this affects the gut microbiome.  The gut microbiome has been associated with several diseases such as metabolic disease, gastrointestinal disease, neurological disease etc.  Currently, much significance has been placed on research data on therapeutic interventions of such diseases focused around the gut microbiome.


(Prof. Guangmei Yan, Former Vice-Dean Zhongshan University, Consultant to the Microecological Healthcare Professionals Committee, presenting on “The Clinical Research of Oncolytic Virus M1”)


(Prof Jianlin Ren, Vice-President Zhongshan Hospital Xiamen University, Dean Microecological Institute Xiamen University Medical School, presenting on “Key Techniques of Microecology and its Clinical Practise”)

Including the above, 12 topics involving microecology were presented and shared by Chinese experts during this inaugural conference.